What we want for the world

To be a voice to the minority groups in the society and defend the defenceless such as vulnerable women, disabled, rape victims, illegally detained and tortured, child labour and forced marriages. We will not just speak-out as many others do, but also will enable the flourishing of an informed, educated, and entrepreneurial minded African youth by reinforcing their capacities, equipping them with integrated knowledge and lifetime skills so as to permit them access opportunities and assert their rights to life, and dignity.

What our tomorrow looks like

To be the world most audacious human development organization that will channel its resources in combating social injustice, structural discrimination, human trafficking, violence against women, and all human rights abuses across the globe.

What we stand for – DAKI

Dignity: We believe in the integral dignity of all human beings, and their right to a decent life.

Accountability: Accountability and transparency is our watchword.

Knowledge: We are a teaching and learning institution that is committed to encouraging knowledge and skills acquisition, especially among disadvantaged groups in our communities.

Inspiration: We continuously strive to build a creative, dynamic and conducive environment that inspires people to see limitless opportunities that will help stir their destiny.

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